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August 2017 BTO ROF Exercise


Updated: Feb 28, 2020

It’s that time of the quarter again!

HDB has just started the application period for the August 2017 BTO cum ROF exercise.

For build-to-order flats, there are two estates which interested parties can go for:

What’s interesting for this round is the introduction of the ROF flats (re-sale of balance flats). These are left-over flats that were not sold in the previous Sale of Balance exercise.

I applaud any initiatives the government is taking in releasing more flats to the eligible couples/families. The demand has indeed slowly began to taper off, signalling that market demand is being met.

What’s pretty great is also the fact that the flats will be completed earlier. Not for this particular exercise, but if I recall correctly, the projects 2018 will be built in late 2017, so that the waiting time would be shortened.

I’m quite interested in seeing how the eventual subscription rate would be like, but I’m pretty sure it will be at least twice oversubscribed.

Good luck to all who are applying!

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